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Mother and Baby on Floor

Participate in our studies remotely

We made pandemic lemons into lemonade

The COVID-19 pandemic forced change for families and for researchers. As researchers, we needed to innovate! We had to develop new ways to engage families and we took our studies out into the field. We now offer options to complete infant/child testing via remote zoom visits, option to self-collect and mail in biospecimens (e.g., saliva, nails, blood, hair, breastmilk name it!), and offer surveys online. Presently, we are even working on building a remote neuroimaging lab that we can drive out into the community!

Every study, now and in the future, that can offer remote participation, will. Opportunities to participate in studies online can increase ease of participation and can help us to reach families that do not find it easy to travel into the lab.


Having said this, many of our studies involve specialized equipment, such as MRI machines for measuring the growing brain. For those, we are going to ask you and your baby or child to come meet with us in person!


Interest in participating?

We'll collect some information about your family and we'll inform you about any studies that might be a match! You can then decide if you'd like to participate when the time comes. You can also email us directly if you prefer a more speedy response.

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Research activities you will consider you/your child taking part in
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